Papageorgiou Theoharis

Obstetrician – Surgeon – Gynecologist
Fertility Specialist
Theocharis K. Papageorgiou was born in Athens. He is an Obstetrician/Gynecologist, specializing in Infertility, IVF and advanced Gynecologic Surgery.
He specialized in Obstetrics/Gynecology in Paris, appointed by the French State.
After obtaining his medical specialty, he completed his residency in Infertility, IVF and Reproductive Endocrinology at the NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda and at Cochin Hospital, France (Prof. J-R Zorn).
He did postgraduate training for one and a half years at the Oscar Lambret Center (Université de Lille), France, focusing on Advanced Surgery / Gynecology and Gynecologic Oncology (Prof. D. Querleu).
He worked as Senior Registrar (Praticien Hospitalier) at Hospital René Dubos de Pontoise (Dr J-M Muray), Paris, and after more than nine years abroad, he returned to Greece where he was appointed Assistant Professor at the Athens University Medical School.
He worked at the Obstetrics / Gynecology University Clinic, Alexandra Hospital, covering the entire range of Obstetrics & Gynecology.
He is an associate of the IASO Hospital Institute of Life IVF Center.
His research, publication and editing work include a significant number of articles in foreign and Greek scientific journals, chapters in conference minutes, as well as monographs and many citations.
He has presented scientific posters and proposals, has given lectures as an invited guest, and has participated in various international and Greek conventions, one-day meetings and round tables.